Kaleidos-Culture Velocity Wheel – Blacktown, Greater Western Sydney
Client: Blacktown City Council + Roads and Maritime Services

Artwork Description

Greek kal (ós) beautiful + eîdo (s) form + -culture

The history of activities held at Blacktown Showground, the site of which the artwork is located opposite of, along with the areas endemic Cumberland Plain Woodland ecology; are acknowledged and interpreted through form, colour and technology.  

Colours reflect the agricultural show prize ribbons. The changing light pattern program evokes the energy of fairground rides and vitality of Blacktown as a culturally diverse and evolving community.

Standing as tall as the trees of the Cumberland Plain Woodland that once covered the area, the kaleidoscopic pattern of leaves and atoms in the canopy remind us of our connection to each other through our shared atomic beginnings.

Photos: Graham Chalcroft / Vertebrae